
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

There is no other way...


Forgive your family, for unfilled lack and needs.
Forgive your best friend, for not being there when you need her.
Forgive your lover, for whatever reason (dunno, don't have yet eh =p).
Forgive your workmates, for gossips and insincerity.
Lastly, but most probably not the end of the list, forgive yourself, for your own mistakes, your own flaws, your own weaknesses.

Jesus' grace is always sufficient, cheers to happy and joyful life!!! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Womb

10:40pm, Feb.28,2012

What is this that releases joy in my heart? Dance of life! For still the passion within finds itself a way to be fleshed out and no one can stop it.

There is something that we call 'design' and it is the only way to our purpose. Knowing what we are made to be, where do we belong and what makes us alive. Environment influences but should never limit who I can be and how my day would turn out. I should not forget that there is Someone called I Am. The One who created day and night; passion and life is more than real. Who is this gentle Wind that leads my name to where it should be? No mistakes, just pure trust. No fear except the fear of him which equals courage and risk. I believe in process and I look at the victory, no boundaries!

Samuel knew the Voice, he lived after Him.
Joseph saw beforehand, his chronicle was victory.
Mary received the Promise, she took care of Jesus.
I have seen them live in Him and so will I.

It is time to get out of the womb.
Nothing can stop and should stop my passion, not even myself. I saw what Jesus can do through it and I should let him. Time is irreplaceable and should never be wasted in non-sense. Wasted time is more than a diamond thrown in the seas. It is either we use each moment towards fulfilling who we really are in Christ or be paralyzed by what the world wants us to be. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You Are Not Alone

This heart
This mind
My protection
My security
Where do they rest?

Days ahead
Dreams yet to be realized
Identity lived out
People to love
Who will make it possible?

A sweet and gentle Wind comes
Holds my hands
Loves unconditionally.